Wednesday, March 21, 2012

It's been a while...

... and I have been busy.
By now I'm onto my 5th batch of Havarti cheese, and I think I might be making it fast enough to actually have a batch ripen to the recommended full 6 weeks! My daughter just loves it, and even has age preferences: she prefers the 4 week old one over the two week one, but still scoffs the lot!

And now she's discovered Rhubarb. She truly is an appreciative audience for my home cooking, baking and making stuff! Our neighbour was so good to give us a few stalks to try, as my efforts of homegrown rhubarb have ended miserably. It was delicious and once I've got a good spot for it ready she'll dig out a tuber for me to plant. In the meantime we're enjoying any donations she leaves in our letter box!

Next up sausage making: I'll be mincing up the next batch of rabbits, got some pork fat and sausage casings in the fridge and a gorgeous recipe to try out. 
I've been meaning to make sourdough bread to go with my cheese, but haven't started the starter yet.
But on the upside, my Chevre production is going well and most people that have tried it like it very much. Doing swapsies with the neighbours, as apart from me, no one will eat it here. Next to try will be goat's Feta.

Results when and where they happen.


  1. Wonderful post and nice pictures. Thank you so much for sharing.



  2. Thanks Peter, and for all your help.
    Got to check my email more often, only just saw this. ;-)
